What’s on Grassroot Farm

Its was a couple of busy day in Grassroot farm after i coming back from Permaculture course in Batu Arang, Selangor. The most miracle thing that happen in my farm is our Duiran start dropping since earlier of May and the number of dropping Durian become more everyday. Its been a busy day with collecting Durian, selling Durian, and also eating Durian. We will do Durian buffet in coming June.

The next thing that was happen was we done a short Permaculture workshop in Penang at 16&17May. Its was quite beneficial workshop for all the participant that turnout. We got 1 day interesting sharing and 1 day hands-on workshop at Grassroot farm. 2 of the teacher come earlier to prepare for the workshop and we did bring them to visit others conventional farms and organic farm in Balik Pulau. They share with the farmers of Permaculture pratice and some more they went crazy by digging a banana circle on the spot. They share with us a lots of knowledge.

After that, we got 3 volunteer that come to help us at the farm: Tanya, Kelly and Cath. They are both Permaculture graduated. They help us a lots on planting Nitrogen Fixing Tree(NFT), mulching the trees, making water catchment system etc. Thanks a lots for them.

What the next? We still need to do a lots of mulching to keep moisture and to fertilize tree, planting NFT, planting flower to attract insect, planting lemongrass to avoid erosin, adding calcium to the tree to make it stronger, digging banana circles, making bat and birds house to utilize them to eat moisquito and have more variety…….and many more.Ya, we will continue to collecting Durian and eatinf Durian. I hope Durian wont be our nightmare  soon. Me and my partner Sokhua didnt have proper rest recently, thanks to both of us that slowly made our farm become our dream farm.

That what happen to us recently and afterward. I wish i could write more on the Permaculture course i go through in Batu Arang, introduction about permaculture, Permaculture workshop in Penang, our experience in farm, and also our volunteer in farm. Hope i can slowly share it with you guys.